首頁 English 公司簡介 英國 美國 澳洲 紐西蘭 愛爾蘭 Special課程 聯絡我們

學   校 必   修


MSc Bioinformatics

●Gene and Genome Analysis
●Proteins: Structure and Bioinformatics
●Bioinformatics Programming and Advanced Topics in Bioinformatics
●Steered Research Project
●Algorithms for Bioinformatics
●Java and Databases for Bioinformatics
●Plus your Independent Research Project
學   校 必   修


MSc Chemical Research (Biological Chemistry)

●Advanced Structure Determination
●Advanced Synthetic methods
●Biological Chemistry
●Research Methodology
●Plus your Research Project
學   校 必   修


MSc Biomedical Engineering

●MSc Project: Mechanical and Systems Engineering
●Manufacturing Materials and Processes
●Clinical Research Statistics
●Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
●Design for Human-Systems Integration
●Medical Technology Innovation
學   校 必   修


MSc Advanced Organic Chemistry

●Dissertation (Org Chem)
●Laboratory Unit (Org Chem)
●Lecture Unit (Org Chem)
●Research Training Unit (Org Chem)

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